We believe that a focus on urban sustainability solutions can
preserve natural resources, promote social inclusion & quality of life, preserve local, regional ecosystems & culture, create meaningful jobs and decouple living standards from environmental resource use.

We are committed to finding solutions that empower every individual to exercise the option to live sustainably.
We do this by supporting and developing innovative, sustainable business models that integrate the triple bottom line (PEOPLE PLANET PROFIT).
In alignment with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals, we believe that each individual OWE’s it to themselves, their communities and our planet to be responsible and accountable for their actions.
Over 50% of the world’s population currently lives in urban milieus.
This is expected to increase to 70% by 2050! Most global sustainability issues stem from urban production, consumption, and behavioural patterns. It’s no coincidence that the growing environmental & social crises are correlated to growing urban populations.
By creating and supporting solutions that promote urban sustainability, OWE hopes to create change from the root of the issue. And more importantly, change mindsets that percolate into every aspect of our urban lifestyles.